Ayrton Group join the Inogen Alliance

Ayrton Group join the Inogen Alliance

We are proud to announce that Ayrton Group is now an associate member of the Inogen Alliance.

Earlier this month, we travelled to the Inogen Alliance Conference in Blanes, Catalonia, where we formally took our place as an associate member. At the conference there were 78 different countries represented by their respective associate members. We were delighted to meet our colleagues from across the globe and bring our expertise and experience together with that of our peers.

Inogen Alliance is a global network of independent consulting companies that are together by choice to collaborate on environment, health & safety and sustainability expertise for multinational clients. With offices on every continent, more than 5,000 associates worldwide, and projects completed in over 200 offices and more than 150 countries, Inogen Alliance provides unparalleled coverage, consistency and 20 years of experience working towards a more sustainable future. 

With the diversity of its associate members, Inogen Alliance offers “global thinking with local expertise”. Operating as an independent business in their own countries, associates understand the native cultural nuances, regulations, and language. Equipped with this knowledge, they come together through the Inogen Alliance to create a global network for clients with exceptional coverage.

For more information please visit www.inogenalliance.com

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