Fire Safety

Ayrton Group Fire Safety consultants will identify and assess current fire safety measures within your premises and make relevant recommendations.

Consultancy Overview

Ayrton Group Fire Safety consultants will visit your premises to conduct an audit of current fire safety measures. This audit includes an in- depth analysis of the building, current fire safety measures and current fire safety management. Upon completing this audit, you will be presented with a report which includes a prioritised action plan. When implemented, this plan will ensure you are compliant with all fire safety legislation, guidance and best practice.

Consultancy Programme

Our Fire Safety service includes:

  • Establishing means of escape

  • Disabled egress

  • Internal fire spread

  • Smoke control systems

  • External fire spread

  • Flammable and explosive or potentially explosive materials

  • Fire detection and alarm systems

  • Emergency escape lighting systems

  • Fire safety signs

  • Access and facilities for the fire service

  • Fire emergency plans including fire warden training

  • Employee fire safety awareness training

  • Fire safety management including an appointed fire safety manager and a current fire safety register

Consultancy Benefits

Upon completing the fire safety audit, your fire safety consultant will present you with a comprehensive report, inclusive of action steps to improve your fire safety measures, procedures and awareness amongst staff. Once implemented, this action plan will reduce fire risks in the workplace and promote fire safety best practices ensuring the health and safety of your staff.

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safety training or staffing? Contact our expert team
today to find out how we can tailor a solution for
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