Ayrton Group

Covid 19- Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) & Risk Assessment

Covid 19- Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) & Risk Assessment

Organisations have found themselves bombarded with information in recent weeks in relation to Covid 19 in a wide array of areas such as information on state supports & wage subsidy schemes, employment law and HSE guidance, to name just a few.

As well as this companies have needed to turn their attention to what steps they need to take in the coming weeks to prepare for any return to the workplace, in whatever form it may take.


Internationally & nationally advise on preparing to return to work has been given from authorities such as the WHO, HSE, H.S.A, NSAI, RIAI, & most recently the CIF & NHBA the outcome of which is a clear requirement for all organisations to document their plans as part of their preparations.

Ayrton Group are working with many clients developing C19 SOP Action Plans as they prepare to return to work, in some form, in the weeks ahead. We are working with clients in all industries such as transport, construction & retail on these C19 Action Plans.

These can take the form of a:

1-      C19 Action Plan, Standard Operating Procedure & Risk Assessment

This is based on the requirements of the WHO, HSE, H.S.A, NSAI & most recently the CIF & NHBA. All documentation prepared takes account of the information to hand at that time, as well as that of any specific industry representative bodies.

2-      C19 Safety Induction for all workers on site & reinduction(Construction)

This is a site specific presentation which should be used by site management (as well as the designated C19 Compliance Officer) to re induct all site personnel before they are allowed back to work on site. This presentation takes account of the requirements within the CIF Standard Operating Procedures. In addition to this, all workers should also take the CIF ‘Online C19 Induction’ program, before they arrive on site, which is a general induction program (takes about 15 minutes).

3-      C19 Induction for all workers returning to the workplace

This is a client and industry specific presentation which should be used by management (as well as the designated C19 Compliance Officer) to re induct all personnel before they return to work. This presentation takes account of the requirements, where available, of any industry guidance from that sectors representative body.


C19 Related Training: We have also developed some training options for clients who have looked for this option and more information on that can be viewed here Covid 19 – C19 Awareness and Compliance Officer (Construction ) Training


If you would like any assistance formatting your plans please contact us today and we can discuss how we can assist you


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