Ayrton Group

Asbestos Safety

We manage the complete lifecycle of an Asbestos project from the identification of risk to managing the remediation and air monitoring.

Managing Risk Throughout the Project Lifecycle

At Ayrton Group we have a wide range of expertise in the area of Asbestos Consultancy to manage the complete lifecycle of a project including risk assessment, surveys, sample testing, removal project management, air monitoring, and awareness training.

Consultancy Programme

We offer the following services to manage your asbestos project:

Asbestos Risk Management

  • Asses the risk of each Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM);
  • Advice on remediation
  • Produce an Asbestos remediation Project Plan which can be supervised by your PSDP and building or demolition contractor.
  • Evaluation and selection of asbestos removal contractors
  • Preparation of Tender documentation
  • Assessments of critical evaluation-of-method statements

Asbestos Surveys

  • Conduct a Management Asbestos Survey (MAS)  which locates the presence and assess the condition of any suspect ACMs
  • Conduct a Refurbishment and Demolition Asbestos Survey (RDAS which locates and describes all ACMs in the area where the refurbishment work or demolition is planned.

Asbestos Sample Testing

  • Take samples from the asbestos survey and send to an accredited laboratory who is a member of the AIMS (Asbestos in Materials Scheme) 

Asbestos Remediation Project Management

  • Appoints the Asbestos Removal Contractor and manages their project execution on your behalf

Asbestos Air Monitoring

  • Sample air to assess airborne asbestos fibres in an area where asbestos materials are/may be present
  • Test for leaks of containment measures during asbestos removal works to ensure localisation of contamination
  • Monitor air after remediation to certify an area or building for reoccupation

Consultancy Benefits

We have decades of in-field experience managing asbestos-related projects. Our wide range of expertise in the area of asbestos consultancy and training means that we can provide a fully compliant and comprehensive solution from awareness to remediation.

Talk to one of our Safety Experts

Looking for information about safety consultancy,
safety training or staffing? Contact our expert team
today to find out how we can tailor a solution for
your specific project needs.

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