Ayrton Group

Construction & Demolition Waste Management

We provide a comprehensive Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan (C&DWMP) to ensure the removal of project site waste in accordance with Government regulations.

Maximizing Recycling and Environmental Compliance

Our Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan (C&DWMP) ensures maximum recycling and the reuse and recovery of waste to divert from landfill. We also provide guidance on the appropriate collection and transport of waste from the site to prevent littering or more serious environmental pollution.

Consultancy Programme

Our process for preparing  a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Plan (C&DWMP) involves:

  • Site visit and review

  • Review of the project plans

  • Liaise with Quanity Surveyor (QS) to review of a bill of quantities, if one exists

  • Review of any planning stipulations that exist at this time regarding waste and demolition from the Local Authority

  • Assess the proposed construction process

Consultancy Benefits

We specialise in construction safety compliance and have decades of experience to assist on your project of any size or complexity. Our expertise in Construction and Demolition Waste Management can ensure your project site runs efficiently, safely, and in accordance with regulations.

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safety training or staffing? Contact our expert team
today to find out how we can tailor a solution for
your specific project needs.

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