Workplace Fire Safety Management Audit / Fire Safety Risk Assessment

Business success is built on safety. Ayrton Group offers a broad range of consultancy services for businesses across all sectors ​including risk assessments, gap and root cause analysis, workplace audits, safety policies and legislative compliance.

Need a Fire Safety Management Audit or Fire Safety Risk Assessment for your workplace? Our workplace Fire Safety consultancy offering aims to help ensure your workplace is as safe from the hazards of fire as is possible.

Our offering involves a visit and view your work operations, which allows us view the specifics of your building/s, design, construction, building use, occupancy type, your activities, equipment at your premises, your processes and compliance with the safety, health & welfare at work aspects of Irish legislation, regulation and codes of practise, as well as consideration of the Fire Safety Standards, inspection of your premises, assess your work operations, and how fire safety, as well as emergency evacuation procedures are managed at your workplace.

Examination of Safety, Health, and Welfare Legislation

We will compare findings against documentation (not limited to the following)

  1. Section 8 of the 2005 Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act relating to a competent person for this specific service.
  2. Section 11 relating to emergency planning.
  3. Section 12 relating to provision for persons other than employees.
  4. Section 19 relating to risk assessment including fire prevention, fire detection and warning, emergency escape and firefighting.

We will review documentation available, such as the Fire Safety Certificate Application reports (if available for viewing), Emergency Plans for the buildings, existing Risk Assessments and your Fire Register. 

We will also consider interaction with other users (such as other tenants where applicable, the public for public buildings such as offices shops), arrangements for shared workplaces (as per requirements of the 2005 Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act),  Landlord involvement, maintenance records, welfare facilities, building condition, shared fire safety arrangements, car parking, traffic management especially involving trucks, commercial vehicles and industrial equipment movements, arrangements for building facilities management, repairs, as well and external facilities & other available data.

Sharing information across each tenant where hazardous work and/or hazardous substances may be used, will be assessed.

We will advise on and monitor the organizations’ fire safety arrangements and fire safety management. 

We will prepare Workplace Fire Safety Management Audit Report and recommendations for your operations.

Where required, we will also prepare a workplace Fire Safety Risk Assessment for you.

In summary, our workplace fire safety offering includes

  • Identifying the fire hazards in your workplace
  • Identifying the people who may be at risk from a fire at your workplace
  • Evaluate the risks from fire occurrence in your workplace
  • An assessment/ inspection of your emergency escape routes, exits, assembly points, workplace accessibility, as well as other aspects which may affect these
  • A review of emergency arrangements including emergency lighting, fire alarm and your firefighting equipment 
  • Review of available fire safety documentation, such as your Emergency Plans, Fire Register, and so on
  • Highlight any findings of non-compliance with workplace safety, building regulations or fire safety legislation
  • Highlight where you may require fire safety training
  • Prepare a Fire Risk Assessment Report with clear prioritized recommendations.

We will review documentation available, such as the Fire Safety Certificate Application reports (if available for viewing), Emergency Plans for the buildings, existing Risk Assessments and your Fire Register. 

We will also consider interaction with other users (such as other tenants where applicable, the public for public buildings such as offices shops), arrangements for shared workplaces (as per requirements of the 2005 Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act),  Landlord involvement, maintenance records, welfare facilities, building condition, shared fire safety arrangements, car parking, traffic management especially involving trucks, commercial vehicles and industrial equipment movements, arrangements for building facilities management, repairs, as well and external facilities & other available data.

Our Aim

To advise on and monitor the organizations’ fire safety arrangements. 

To view all aspects of your operations, current fire safety management procedures and buildings.

To compare the building, visual & obvious building fabric, structure, exiting arrangements, occupancy, water requirements (or other) for firefighting, as per Local Authority requirements.

To contrast the findings with Irish statutes & standards, specifically the above listed.

To advise on and monitor the organizations’ fire safety arrangements. 

To provide a report of findings/ fire risk assessment & make suggestions on required improvements, should these be required.

To help ensure you are compliant with local and national requirements for the protection of your staff, associates and others affected by your operations should there be a fire and/ or emergency event.

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We will take account of all aspects of the applicable Irish regulatory requirements.

We will not carry out any opening up or invasive operations.

We will not assess the building fire rating. This is the role of a competent fire consultant.

We will not assess the fire integrity of the building. This is the role of a competent fire consultant.

If you require a ‘Fire Safety Assessor’, as defined in the Code of Practice for Fire Safety Assessment of Premises and Buildings, March 2022, we can advise on suitable professionals. This is not part of this service offering.

If you require a Fire Safety Assessment Report, which includes examination of the building fire rating, the building fabric, most likely ‘opening up’ of the building integrity and so on, we can also advise on suitable professional. This is not part of this service offering.

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