The impact of working from home on your health

The impact of working from home on your health

As a result of Covid-19 many workers are now working from home full-time. 


The two main causes of concern for remote workers while working from home are isolation and burnout. 


Research shows that up to 19% of remote workers are suffering from loneliness due to lack of interaction with office staff. These daily office interactions are an intrinsic element to companies to boost work productivity amongst workers and enhance their emotional and mental wellness. Companies like GitLab are now providing virtual ‘coffee breaks’ to ensure a more collaborative approach amongst their remote workforce.


Workers are also suffering from burnout as a result of working from home due to longer working hours and struggling with work-life balance. For many workers it’s difficult to ensure a dedicated work space with their kitchen doubling as their office.


It’s also easy to slip into a rut of checking emails during random periods of the day, when you are brushing your teeth in the morning or having dinner in the evening, making it harder for many to switch off with 69% of employees reportedly suffering from burnout as a result of working from home.


Here at Ayrton Group we have compiled a list of helpful strategies to combat burnout and loneliness from working from home which include the following;


  • Take time out: It’s so important to take time out to unwind and recharge your batteries to avoid becoming exhausted and overwhelmed. Take short breaks to return to work more productive and revitalized. You can also create a schedule with regular breaks, create dedicated work zones and more discipline around leaving work at work and finishing on time. Maintaining physical and social boundaries is so important to ensure that transition from ‘work you’ to ‘home you.’ This includes changing out of work clothes once your shift ends. Workers should also ensure they take their annual leave – whether that’s for a staycation in Ireland or time off at home to unwind. It could really help to reduce the effects from burnout.


  • Reach out for help: Don’t be afraid to reach out to online support networks or to ask for help from someone you trust. It’s been a hard year for everyone and added support could make all the difference, whether it’s a few reassuring words of advice from someone you trust or just a quick chat during lunch. 


  • Socially distanced activities: Consider a socially distanced walk or coffee at the park. This will combat feelings of isolation and loneliness. Daily walks are great for both physical health but also mental health, boosting serotonin and dopamine levels! It’s also good to check in on your friends and family to make sure they are okay, activities like Zoom calls are a great way to connect you to your friends and family while Zoom quizzes provide a fantastic and creative outlet to break up your week!

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